
quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011



Don’t talk. Don’t touch. Don’t walk. Don’t walk at night. Don’t walk on the right. Don’t drink. Don’t think. Don’t smoke. Don’t do drugs. Don’t do beef. Don’t do junk. Don’t be fat. Don’t be thin. Don’t chew. Don’t spit.
Don’t swim. Don’t breathe. Don’t cry. Don’t bleed. Don’t kill. Don’t experiment. Don’t exist. Don’t do anything. Don’t fry your food. Don’t fry your brain. Don’t sit too close to the tele. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t put your elbows on the table. Don’t put your feet on the seat. Don’t run with scissors. Don’t play with fire.
Don’t rebel. Don’t smack. Don’t sex. Don’t masturbate. Don’t be childish. Don’t be old. Don’t be ordinary. Don’t be different. Don’t stand out. Don’t drop out. Don’t buy. Don’t read.
Ou… se toda a publicidade de jornais fosse assim.

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